Building Your Dream Team: Who You Need in Your Corner as a Small Business Owner

As a small business owner, the journey from ideation to fruition is thrilling and daunting. While passion and entrepreneurial spirit drive you forward, a trusted team in your corner can help you navigate the challenges of small business ownership. From legal complexities to technological hurdles and everything in between, assembling the right support network is crucial for success. Here’s who you should have in your corner as a small business owner: 

Chelsea Cavlovic

February 2, 2024

As a small business owner, the journey from ideation to fruition is thrilling and daunting. While passion and entrepreneurial spirit drive you forward, a trusted team in your corner can help you navigate the challenges of small business ownership. From legal complexities to technological hurdles and everything in between, assembling the right support network is crucial for success. Here’s who you should have in your corner as a small business owner: 


From drafting contracts to navigating regulatory compliance and protecting intellectual property, a skilled lawyer provides invaluable guidance, shielding your business from potential legal pitfalls. What to look for when selecting a lawyer for your small business:

  • Experience and expertise - Make sure that they know how to navigate issues such as business formation, contracts, employment law, intellectual property, and regulatory compliance.
  • Reputation and references - Don’t be afraid to ask for references and testimonials, especially from businesses like yours. 
  • Communication - Everything from how quickly they respond to your calls and emails, to how they can explain complex legal issues, communication is at the heart of your small business dream team.


If you find yourself repeating “I don’t have a budget” or stressed by tax season, then an accountant can help. An accountant is more than a number-cruncher. From strategic financial insights, forecasting, optimizing cash flow, and business growth, the right accountant can help. A few things to consider when selecting an accountant include:

  • Qualifications and Certifications - such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). 
  • Range of services - Basic bookkeeping and tax preparation are essential, but try to find an accountant who can help grow your business.
  • Fee structure and cost - Understand the accountant's fee structure upfront, including how fees are calculated and what services are included. Determine whether they charge hourly rates, flat fees, or offer retainer arrangements.

Business Mentor

Finding a mentor (or a group of fellow entrepreneurs) can help guide your small business. Their experience, coupled with impartial advice, helps you anticipate challenges, identify opportunities, and refine your business strategy. Reach out local organizations with business mentors such as Center for Women's Entrepreneurship, SBDC, and SCORE to get connected with a mentor. 

Website Support

In the digital age, your website is the storefront of your business. Reliable website support ensures seamless functionality, user experience, and marketing. Many website platforms have support built into their services. If you don’t want costly expenses related to website maintenance and support, re:Bloom’s 10-Week Web Development Program provides you with a new website and teaches you how to maintain it on your own moving forward. 

Marketing Expert

In a competitive marketplace, effective marketing is the lifeline of your business. Marketing is a complex industry that requires an understanding of SEO, branding, social media, and more. For each of these, marketing requires identifying a targeting audience and executing a strategy that amplifies your brand to that audience. A marketing expert can help grow your brand and your business. If you want to learn strategies to do it yourself, check out re:Blooms Marketing Program.

Support Network

Entrepreneurship can be isolating, but you don’t have to go it alone. Cultivating a supportive network of fellow entrepreneurs, industry peers, and mentors fosters collaboration, shared learning, and emotional resilience. Whether through networking events, online communities, or mentorship programs, surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals provides encouragement, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. Check out Facebook groups, online forums, organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and more. 

Business is Blooming Event

Find a network of entrepreneurs, community supporters, mentors and experts at Business is Blooming: A Small Business Resource Fair. Hosted by re:Bloom at Google Pittsburgh on February 10, 2024, we will bring together a variety of resources for your small business team. 

The event will kick off with a workshop by re:Bloom and Google Digital Coach followed by office hours with experts that dream teams are made of. Finally, enjoy networking with the region’s economic community. 

Learn more and sign up here: